DTAP: Developmental Test of Auditory Perception $222.00 + S/H
If you’ve been in the field long enough you may remember the Test of Auditory Comprehension, which used audio-taped stimuli to determine where a student fell along the continuum of skills on the auditory hierarchy. The TAC has been out of print for many years but is still missed. I came across the DTAP and was excited to find that it offered some of the information that only the TAC had previously provided. Better yet, it is normed on typically hearing students, allowing us to compare the student’s use of his or her auditory perception on foundational skills necessary for learning in a typical classroom environment. A valuable addition to your assessment library and especially helpful to show the challenges of student who ‘look good’ and have ‘great speech’ and ‘seem to be doing okay.’ In those places where functional results are not considered sufficient for eligibility decisions, the results of the DTAP can be used to verify concern areas based on observation, the Listening Inventory For Education, or other functional measures.
DTAP: Developmental Test of Auditory Perception
Ages 6-0 through 18-11 Test time: 30 minutes Administration: Individual/Small Group
/>The DTAP is a battery of 5 item sets that measure different, but interrelated, aspects of auditory perception.
- The comprehensive battery is designed to assess auditory perception without invoking higher order verbal reasoning or extensive memory capacity.
- Items are presented via a online audio files to standardize presentation of the language item sets and to include various nonlanguage sounds as well.
- The DTAP uses a simple response format easily understood and accommodated even by children in the primary grades.
- Using various language-related as well as non-language-related sounds, pairs of stimuli are presented and students indicate whether the pairs are the same or different.
DTAP: Developmental Test of Auditory Perception $222.00 + S/H
The DTAP is designed to identify students who demonstrate auditory perception problems who, without intervention, are likely to have problems in the classroom environment. DTAP results may also be useful for identifying a potential cause for language-related academic problems. Normed on 1920 children from 13 states.
- Phonemes in Isolation
- Word Discrimination
- Rhyming Sounds (all language-related)
- Tonal Patterns
- Environmental Sounds (all nonlanguage-related)
Responses from these 5 subtests are divided into two auditory scales:
- Language Auditory Perception Index (LAPI)
- Nonlanguage Auditory Perception Index (NAPI).
- Combine the LAPI and the NAPI to form the Composite Auditory Perception Index (CAPI), which is the best measure of auditory perception.
The DTAP Background Noise Index (BNI) requires the student to extract and perceive accurately a target set of sounds from background noise. Chosen as the background or noise field is a carefully decibel-controlled set of ambient classroom sounds, chosen to enhance the ecological validity of the DTAP BNI as well as its clinical utility. These tasks are embedded in each item set routinely administered to each examinee and require substantial contributions from the capabilities of the right and of the left temporal lobes for accurate performance.
There is also a No Background Noise Index (NBNI).
Special Features of the DTAP
- The DTAP has empirically established reliability and validity.
- Assesses not only the important domain of accurate perception of language sounds, but includes assessment of the accuracy of perception of important, common environmental sounds.
- Rapid, easy administration and scoring.
- The normative sample consists of 1,920 children residing in 13 states; demographic characteristics approximate the current census data.
- Evidence is provided to show that the test is unbiased with respect to gender and race.
- Strong ecological validity for students with academic problems, assessing auditory perceptual skills not only in a quiet environment but also using standardized, volume controlled ambient classroom noise.
- Examiner’s Manual
- 25 Examiner Record Forms
- 25 Student Record Forms
- Access to online audio files.